March 12, 2009


we just got home from a lovely dinner with friends and i've decided to add a few things to my previous post about womanliness.

* my dear friend Mina baked two WHOLE fish for her guests, served with buttered acorn squash & salad. made two kinds of pasta, people - both wheat AND wheat free options (i was the only wheat free guest, so yes she did in fact make an entirely different (delicious) pasta for me made of quinoa and corn, sauteed with portabello mushrooms and zuchini, smothered in a cream sauce made with only nuts). AND dessert (i was the only sugar and dairy free guest, so yes she did graciously prepare a dish of fresh strawberries and bananas covered with melted dark chocolate and baked pears while everyone else enjoyed some entemann's chocolate cake and ice cream!)

wow. thats hospitable. thats thoughtful. thats loving. thats womanliness.

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