March 19, 2009


thursday 19 march.

day and night by kid cudi is my jam today. i may be the only person in the world who hadn't seen the video until ten minutes ago...but i love this video! i want to walk around in animation all day long too.

just had dinner with my ladies followed by a nice conversation about spiritual things with the manager of the restaurant. then we left and walked to MILK and enjoyed tea and desserts. i love my ladies.

i learned from my acupuncturist today that alfalfa sprouts contain pretty much all of the vitamins you need & to consume them daily would be like taking a multi-vitamin. you can eat them, juice them or sprinkle them in a powder form. excellent!

i was reminded today that although the sight of dishes piling high in your sink is daunting, once you get started, its not so bad.

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